Speaking Engagements

Client: Various

Engagement: Arts of Survival - Trans Europe Halles (2024)
Moderator: Alternative cultural spaces under crisis: resilience, renewal, and challenges

Engagement: Arts of Survival - Trans Europe Halles (2024) Mtl2424(2023)
Co-Programmer with Izolyatsia (Ukraine), La Station-Gare des Mines (France), Lab-Ex (France) - panel series

Engagement: Sommet de la Nuit - Mtl2424(2023)
Panelist: DIY Spaces

Engagement: Space of Urgency Conference -* Frei(t)räume* (2022)
Co-programmer and speaker: Building a Global Cultural Mycellium

Engagement: Towards an Alternative Vision of Creative and Cultural Third-Places (2022)
Université de Sourbonne Nouvelle et al. 
Panelist: Alternatives and Policies

Engagement: ArtLab - La Station Gare des Mines, Paris (2022)
Presenter: A More Beautiful Journey x Soundways AR collaboration

Engagement: Canadian Music Centre AR composition workshop (2022)

Engagement: Indie Week Canada(2022)
Panelist: Industry Insights

Engagement: Trans Europe Halles Conference (2022)
Presenter: Toronto DIY Space Project

Engagement: City of Toronto Music Office
Masterclass: DIY presentation and promotion

Engagement: Venus Fest
Panelist: “Relocalizing our music scene” 

Engagement: Global TO
Moderator: capitalism panel with panelists Rosina Kazi (LAL, Unit 2), ShoShona Kish (Digging Roots), and musician Ian Kamau.

Engagement: University of Toronto - entrepreneurship
Panelist: multiple workshops presented by ONRamp, the University of Toronto’s Entrepreneurship Centre and the university’s Faculty of Music

Engagement: Seneca College
Guest lecturer: PR and publicity in the non-profit sector

Engagement: Artspond: This Space - Lessons from the Landscape 
Round table on spatial precarity, gentrification, and the arts

Engagement: Third Spaces conference - École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (ENSA Paris-La Villette)
Speaker and collaborative think tank participant at international cross-sector research conference on creative and cultural third spaces, run by ADAIR (Art and Design Actions for Inclusive Renewal)
Engagement: University of Toronto
Panelist and speaker for University of Toronto’s Lives in Music and Music and Entrepreneurship courses